A tower from sugar cubes
A man applies to the hospital as a surgeon. After the usual questions about his qualifications and the number of operations he has performed, he is handed a handful of sugar cubes. Build a tower out of them! - says the interviewer. The surgical candidate starts to build the tower. He places 6 sugar cubes on top of each other, the seventh falls off.
He starts again and does the same thing the next time. Then the next time and the time after that. When he starts again for the twentieth time and the result is the same, he pushes the pile of sugar away and says: I know I didn't meet your expectations, I'm sorry I can't put all the sugar cubes on. And then they say to him: "You've already been hired”.
This is what we call perseverance.
Life will present challenges, but they must be overcome with perseverance and not by giving up. We have the chance to learn this at a young age. Whether it's through playing sports or other afternoon pursuits that we take so seriously that we compete in them. These competitive situations teach us that even if we give our best, we might still fail. Through these experiences, however, we can learn that hard work and dedication do not always bring victory, as in the movies, but they do strengthen the spirit of perseverance.
It is difficult to prepare for the world that surrounds us. Perhaps no one really can. Events around us, the pandemic, war and economic crisis only add to an already challenging time when we are getting our degrees, trying to find our first jobs and launching our adult lives. We need perseverance to move forward in our lives and in our careers.
This may be complicated by another obstacle that Generation Z has to overcome: student loan debt. This has always been a problem, but in the current economic situation, paying for the ever-increasing cost of education is a big challenge for families or young people with student loans. This situation often leads us to take a job as a recent graduate in a field that is not related to our profession, because we want to pay back the student loan as quickly as possible. However, the quality of education that higher education institutions can provide, gives you the opportunity to find a job in your field. But perseverance and conscious preparation are essential.
How can you consciously prepare for finding your first job?
Trainings to develop skills: in addition to professional studies, attention should also be paid to developing employability skills, which can be useful in most jobs. These skills include business English, assertive communication skills, resilience and self-awareness.
CV building and job interview preparation: our CV writing is made easier by the many samples and templates on the internet, especially when it comes to formatting. However, filling them with relevant content can often be a challenge. A CV building workshop or individual coaching can provide a solution. And if your CV gives you a chance to be considered for an interview, it's important to make a good impression. This is where job interview training can help.
Now is the time to harness the perseverance in all of us to get through these challenging times and make the world a better place for future generations.
For individual career advice or training, feel free to contact the Centre for Student Services and Career at
Tari Annamária előadás: Sík terep vagy lejtős pálya? - Z generáció a munka terepén, Hello Főnök! Avagy ZÉ-k a munkaerőpiacon konferencia, Budapest, 2023.10.25
Toyin Fadahunsi (2020) - Perseverance is key for my generation to succeed — and create change in the world, https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/16/perseverance-is-key-for-gen-z-to-succeedand-create-change-in-the-world.html