Karrier- és Hallgatói Szolgáltatóközpont

Events Calendar

Job Fair 2023 Fall
Tuesday, 21 November 2023,  9:00 -  6:00

Date: November 21. 2023. (Tuesday) 09:00 – 18:00

Location: University of Pannonia Building “B”

The purpose of the University of Pannonia’s Job Fair, in addition to establishing contact between employees and job seekers, is to develop placement culture and to support the establishment of active relationships with the employment sector.

Why it will worth coming?

  • You can meet personally with company representatives, so you can get first-hand information about the region’s and the country’s well-known companies.
  • You will have the opportunity to make a good impression at the first meeting.
  • You can listen to some useful professional lectures.

Available services at the Job Fair:

  • CV printing and copying opportunity
  • Graduation photoshoot
    You can register here
  • CV counselling held by Adecco’s experts
    You can register here
  • 11:00 – 12:00: Professional lecture IN HUNGARIAN “The secret of successful career building” lecture – by András Baráth employment counselor, founder and leading career counsellor of the “Gerilla Önéletrajz Műhely” and the “Gerilla Mentor Klub
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Professional lecture IN HUNGARIAN by the Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltatók és Gyártók Szövetsége (KSZGYSZ), the professional organization with the largest number of members in the green industry, presents its member companies and professional portfolio

Job Fair intro program

Job interview training in English (November 17. 2023 (Friday) 08:00-16:00)

Detailed description of the Job Fair’s programmes

Graduation photoshoot

Location: Building E, room 13 on the ground floor

Studio quality photos. During the photoshoot you will have the option to take a photo in a gown and a cap, we will provide both (in different sizes), and you can also take a photo together with your friends, teammates or your partner - to have a lasting memory of your university years.

It could be a great present for your family or friends, but a professionally set studio quality picture could come in handy in your CV too. On the spot you will have the opportunity to order paper and digital pictures at your own expense. You can choose from several packages, the details of which will be published soon. You will have to pay for the pictures in advance on the spot. (You can see the prices here) The payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer. (The completion of paper pictures is approx. 3-4 weeks.)

CV counselling – with the experts of Adecco

Location: Building B, gallery on the first floor

As one of the leading human resources service providers Adecco Group works every day to find the best opportunities for their applicants and the best applicants for their partners, regardless of industry and education.

For more than 30 years they engaged in personnel placement, temporary employment and with leader selection across the country, job seekers can meet with them in Budapest, Csömör, Gyöngyös, Miskolc, Kecskemét, Győr, Székesfehérvár. The secret of their success lies in the decades long professional experience and the dedicated work of their consultants. From a wide range of selection techniques, they always use the most suitable one, whether it is a personal interview, pre-screening on the telephone, professional- language or personality tests. During the interviews they always keep the applicants up to date from the first contact until the end of the selection process.

They look forward to meet you on their CV counselling, if you’d like a little help and guidance to start your job hunt and write your resume.  In the 30 minutes counselling you can ask all your questions to their recruiters who will gladly answer to everything. Their job is to help you find and grab your dream job. Their webpage can be also help you in this, where you can find more than 150 active job offers across the country: www.adecco.hu.

Take the first step towards your future!

See you at the Job Fair.

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