Karrier- és Hallgatói Szolgáltatóközpont

Career counselling

Presumably you are already overcome at least two career choice dilemmas: once when you had to decide which secondary school to go to after primary school and now, when you have decided that you will graduate from the University of Pannonia.

You may have already decided what you will become at a young age, it may also be that your parents made the decision for you, but you must have stood at the “crossroads” once or twice.

We are happy that you are here with us now.

In the future, we will support you so that you can successfully complete the chosen career path or, if necessary, change major and acquire all the skills and knowledge that will help you find a successful position in the labour market and make a conscious career choice.

Did you know that the word “career” means three things at once?

On the one hand, fast and successful progress, on the other hand life path and last but not least, competence and personality development.

The good news is that the staff of the Centre for Student Services and Career may support you in all three areas. How?

  • We help you realize what you are best at. From the multitude of your character strengths, we select those that can help you succeed.
  • We support you with self-awareness tests to get to know yourself, your abilities, strengths and areas for improvement better.
  • We offer you alternative options so that you can make your own decision about your future and life path. This strengthens your decision-making, responsibility and self-management skills and builds your self-confidence. (Let’s just quietly note that nowadays these abilities are very important for the employers).
  • We prepare written informational materials (professional introductions, career brochures, profession dictionaries and other guides) for you.
  • We provide methods and knowledge for example in relation to the following
    • How to start job search?
    • By what criteria should you filter the available possibilities?
    • How to write an impressive CV and cover letter?
    • What should you answer to tricky job interview questions from HR?
    • How to represent and marketing yourself on the labour market?
    • How to make a good decision at the crossroads of master’s education, Phd career and/or employment?

You can apply for a personal counselling by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The counsellor has a secondary school teacher degree, ten years of teaching practice, more than 500 hours of coaching and mentoring experience, six years of higher education teaching practice, more than 10 years of active trainer practice, GCDF (Career facilitator) and CDP (Certified Development Professional) organisational development qualification and a coaching diploma accredited by EMCC on the level of Senior Practitioner.

Do not hesitate, it’s never a bad idea to ask for advice, you can only benefit from it for the future!